How do I set up BOPP in Zoho Books?

How do I set up BOPP in Zoho Books?

Setting up BOPP as the method on Zoho Books is easy and takes only a few minutes, assuming you have already created a BOPP account.

Simply follow these instructions.

Step 1 - Create multi-use BOPP Paylink
1. Open the BOPP app
2. Click on the 'Pay request' settings button. Under 'Expiry Settings' select 'Multi use'.  
3. While still in Settings, Under 'Payment Amount' select 'Set by payer', then 'Apply to this request'.  Steps 2 & 3 are critical.
4. Click on 'Request', then 'Share Paylink'.  Email this link to yourself.

You have now generated a Paylink that can be used multiple times.

Step 2 - Amend Email template in Zoho Books
1. Log into Zoho Books
2. Go to Settings
3. Choose 'Templates'

4. Select "Edit" for your default Invoice Template

5. Select "Footer" on the left side menu

6. Choose "Add your bank details"

7. Enter text "To pay simply and securely, click the link below"  and add custom BOPP Paylink

To create it, copy paste your BOPP Paylink and the add ?reference=%InvoiceNumber%&value=%Total%

Your custom URL should look like this: https://PAYLINKURL?reference=%InvoiceNumber%&value=%Total% just with a real BOPP Paylink.

It should look something like this:

8. Click 'Preview'
9. Click 'Save' to save the changes

If you want to test that the set up works, go back to Zoho Books dashboard, click on 'Sales' and select 'Invoices'. Then send yourself a test invoice. When you receive the email, open PDF and you'll find BOPP Paylink. Click on it and you'll be able to start the customer payment journey. DO NOT complete this as you will make a real payment. 

This is how the email from Zoho Books will look like