Setting up Pandle to automatically include BOPP Paylinks is easy and takes only a few minutes, assuming you have already created a BOPP account.
Simply follow these instructions.
Step 1 - Create multi-use BOPP Paylink
1. Open the BOPP app
2. Click on the 'Pay request' settings button. Under 'Expiry Settings' select 'Multi use'.
3. While still in Settings, Under 'Payment Amount' select 'Pay', then 'Apply to this request'. Steps 2 & 3 are critical.
4. Click on 'Request', then 'Share Paylink'. Email this link to yourself.
You have now generated a Paylink that can be used multiple times.
Step 2 - Amend Invoice Setting in Pandle
1. Log into your Pandle account
2. Navigate to 'Settings', and select 'Document Settings'
3. Select 'Email Options', in the 'Default Email Text' section please enter:
a. Any default text narrative that your clients will read which will guide them how to pay (see example below)
b. The full BOPP paylink which is the combination of
The BOPP Paylink (which you emailed yourself) + Amount (taken from Pandle) + Invoice number (taken from Pandle)
To do this follow these steps:
i. Copy and paste the BOPP Paylink (from your email)
ii. At the end of the pasted text type a single "?" (no gaps, no quotation marks)
iii. After the "?", type "value=" (no gaps, no quotations), then click on the desired amount (either Total Amount or Outstanding Amount) from the Pandle list in view (see screenshot below)
iv. After the inserted Pandle text type "&reference=" (no gaps, no quotation marks), then click on the Invoice Ref from the Pandle list in view (see screenshot below)
v. Save changes by clicking Save Document Settings button in Pandle.
4. You should now be fully set up. Please check that your set up looks identical to the example below, except for the text in red which is unique to each request:
If yours looks identical, just with a real BOPP Paylink, then you are good to go! Every invoice you now generate and email from Pandle will generate a BOPP payment request link with the correct amount and invoice number, where the invoice number will appear as the bank reference field in your bank and the payer's bank.
If you want to test that the set up works, then simply select any customer invoice, then click 'Actions', then 'Preview & Send'.
This will generate an email to you. When you receive this email you will notice that the amount fields and invoice number is populated, and the email has a Paylink that can be clicked on. If you click this link you'll have started the customer payment journey. DO NOT complete this as you will make a real payment.