How do I set up BOPP as an additional payment method on Xero?

How do I set up BOPP as an additional payment method on Xero?

Setting up Xero to automatically include BOPP Paylinks is easy and takes only a few minutes, assuming you have already created a BOPP account.

Simply follow these instructions.

Step 1 - Create multi-use BOPP Paylink
1. Open the BOPP app
2. Click on the 'Pay request' settings button. Under 'Valid Until' select 'Never expires'.  
3. While still in Settings, Under 'Payment Amount' select 'Payer Can Choose', then 'Apply to this request'.  Steps 2 & 3 are critical.
4. Click on 'Request', then 'Share Paylink'.  Email this link to yourself.

You have now generated a Paylink that can be used multiple times.

Step 2 -Amend Invoice Settings in Xero

1. Log into Xero
2. Select your organisation at the top left corner and select 'Settings'
3. Then choose 'Invoice Settings' and select 'Payment services'

4. Scroll down to Other Available Payment Services' and click 'Add Other'

5. Then select 'Custom Payment URL'

6. Create custom URL for Xero

To do this follow these steps:
  1. Enter 'BOPP' as the Name
  2. For Your custom URL add your BOPP Paylink and then just copy paste ?reference=[INVOICENUMBER]&value=[AMOUNTDUE]. Your custom URL should look like this: https://PAYLINKURL?reference=[INVOICENUMBER]&value=[AMOUNTDUE], just with a real BOPP Paylink.
  3. For the Pay now text type 'Pay by Bank with BOPP'
  4. Save changes
The last thing to do is to assign a 'Standard' theme for BOPP. Go back to the top of the page and see Connected Payment Services, click 'Manage themes'.

Select Standard theme for BOPP and save the changes.

That's it! Every invoice you now generate and email from Xero will generate a BOPP payment request link with the correct amount and invoice number, where the invoice number will appear as the bank reference field in your bank and the payer's bank.

If you want to test that the set up works, then go to "Business" and select "Invoices", then send yourself a test invoice. When you receive the email email, click 'Pay now' and you'll be able to start the customer payment journey by clicking on 'Pay via Bank with BOPP'. DO NOT complete this as you will make a real payment.